


サイズ:154mm×108mm 400ページ
編集:藤木洋介(Yosuke Fujiki Van Gogh Co.,Ltd.)

In 2023 I took out the old camera again for the first time in ages and spent every day of the year taking photos with it. I just kept clicking away, with nothing in mind in particular. Compared to the newer models I’m using today, my father’s camera often didn’t do as I wanted. The images would be out of focus or too grainy, or the film would tear altogether. But the photos it gave me made me wander back and forth through my memories, perhaps because I often thought of my father and our old house during that year.

It was a refreshing change to take photos in this way. By that point photography had become something to me that always needed a specific theme or goal. Without a client to please or a subject to explore, I had the liberty to do things I would have otherwise deemed pointless. I traveled to other prefectures to see friends’ exhibitions, took part in family events, went on long walks through the neighborhood with my wife, and often stopped by my parents’ house. The time I spent felt meaningful, and without the photographs I don’t think I would have been allowed this experience. Throughout the year, I could be with my parents as they sold their house, the home they had lived in for so long, to move into an apartment closer to my own, in consideration of the inevitable things to come.

In a closet in my parents' home, I found old family pictures and boxes of photos and slides that my father had once taken with the same camera I was using now. It was nice to learn he had an interest that brought him joy, and looking through his photos I noticed that the things he had captured through the viewfinder were strangely similar to my own photos taken with the same camera. It felt as if I had been borrowing my father’s eyes for the past year.

My parents have now moved out and started living in a new apartment nearby. While it was sad having to say goodbye to our family home, I enjoy bringing them gifts and souvenirs from my travels. For now, everything’s good.

My father still spends his days sitting by the window looking out. The windows in the new apartment aren’t as large, and there’s no bridge stretching out into the sea either. All that’s left to see in the window now is the sky.

photo & text: Kentaro Kumon
translator: Robert Zetzsche
edit: Yosuke Fujiki (Yosuke Fujiki Van Gogh Co., Ltd.)
design: Koji Miyazoe
publisher: Kentaro Kumon
published by: COO BOOKS
printed and bound by: LIVE ART BOOKS






定価  8,800円
頁数  96頁
発行年 2022

The Sleeping Island

Whether it was due to the warm spring weather or a breeze blowing through the Seto Inland Sea, the island seemed to have fallen asleep breathing quietly.

After dropping off me and a few other passengers who had come to visit the graves after about an-hour-journey from Marugame, the ferry sailed out to sea. The waves created by the ferry made the fishing boats moored in the harbor make a rattling sound. The silence was so overwhelming that I thought there might not be a single person in this place. It was the end of March, and the buds of cherry trees here on Teshima were beginning to pop.

Teshima is one of the 28 islands of the Shiwaku Islands. Since the Warring States period (1467-1568), the island has been famous for its navy, and in the Edo period (1603-1868), the island’s shipbuilding and ship handling skills were valued and it played a major role in maritime distribution.

Today, there are only a dozen or so islanders living on Teshima. The terraced fields that once covered the mountains have been swallowed up by bamboo forest, including the stone walls that had been left. The island’s last fisherman passed away at the end of last year, and his fishing boat remains tied up in the harbor, swaying in the waves. I think that listening to the island’s quiet sleep without disturbing it will lead us to face the present situation of Japan as an island nation.




出版社 平凡社
定価  6,380円
頁数  159頁
発行年 2020


The scenery of Japan. It stretches upon the land that was formed in ancient times, adorned with winds and water and the vegetation each season brings, and over-coated with layers of human life. Peninsulas are a part of that expanse.



川を旅し、海までやってきて、やっと8 年前に起こったことを、現実のこととして実感することができた。大きな悲しみの事実は、消えることはない。


出版社 平凡社
定価  6,380円
頁数  160頁
発行年 2019


The river was as essential as blood for the people living in this land.

Af ter traveling on the river to the ocean, I was f inally able to comprehend the event that took place eight years ago as a reality.

The fact of the great tragedy will never disappear. However, still the seasons change and the river continues to run into the ocean.



日本の地方を旅するなかで、時としてふと立ち止まり 、眺めてしまう風景があった。僕の場合、それは自然が織りなす雄大な景色ではなく、人の営みがつくる風景であることが多かった。みかん畑に囲まれた山あいの集落。美しく積み上げられた石垣で層をなす段々畑。夕日に照らされた田園風景。そして静かな風景に囲まれ農作業に勤しむ人々の姿が、時間の流れを感じさせてくれた。そんな風景に感動するたびに、「日本の風景」は「農業の風景」なのだと気付かされた。

出版社 平凡社
定価  5,720円
頁数  141頁
発行年 2016


During my journeys there was scenery where I simply had to stop and take it all in for a moment. In my case, more often than not, this scenery was created by people and not the majestic scenery made by

nature. This included a small village in the mountains surrounded by mikan orchards, terraced fields separated by beautifully erected stone walls, pastoral views basking in the glow of the sunset, and the sight of farmers working and surrounded by this quiet scenery. I felt a sense of the passing time from each of these scenes. Whenever I was moved by such scenery, I found that Japan’s scenery is agricultural scenery.



出版社 冬青社
定価  4,070円
頁数  107頁
発行年 2019
言語  英語、日本語
ISBN  9784582278316



『バラの花咲く家 愛され続けた家と庭』

制作  伊勢工房
定価  2,100円
発行年 2017


『BANEPA  ネパール 邂逅の街』

出版社 青弓社 
定価  3,740円
発行年 2010


『大地の花 人々のくらしと祈り』

出版社 東方出版
定価  5,500円
発行年 2006



出版社 偕成社
定価  1,650円
頁数  208頁
発行年 2010


『だいすきなもの ネパール・チャウコット村のこどもたち』

出版社 偕成社
発行年 2007



『ネパール 祈りの街のアヌスカ (世界のともだちシリーズ)』

出版社 偕成社
定価  1,980円
頁数  40頁
発行年 2014




著 高岡昌江 写真 公文健太郎
出版社 ほるぷ出版
定価  1,430円
頁数  32頁
発行年 2018




著 高岡昌江 写真 公文健太郎
出版社 ほるぷ出版
定価  1,430円
頁数  32頁
発行年 2018


『TEN 点』

定価 1,200円
頁数 30頁
発行年 2020年〜 不定期